I penned a rather large account of the Lucha Libre, Mexico's campy, but increasingly popular, version of professional wrestling: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20071130.lucha01/BNStory/specialTravel/home
The Lucha libre is good fun and worth taking in during a trip to Mexico. Shows are staged regularly around the country, although the epicenter is the Arena Mexico in Mexico City's Colonia Doctores.
David, do you have any insight into the recent killings of musicians in Mexico?
As I frequently lead groups of people into the southern end of the country, I receive many questions from folks [overly??] worried about safety.
I find the killing of musicians here somewhat baffling. Narco influences are seeping into the general popular culture - just witness the growing appeal of Jesus Malverde, the patron saint of narcotics trafficking, and narcoturismo in Mazatlan and some border town. Narco corridas - songs glorifying narcos - also reflect this trend.
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